Melissa's Session
Melissa is a woman of my heart, a mother of 6 children and grandmother of 2, she meets life head on with a smile and wave of her hand. I met her earlier in 2021 after many phone calls and text messages regarding an up coming event she needed a photographer for. She had come by to chat one day and happen to see some clients boudoir calendars I had out on the work table waiting to be packaged for pick up.
In that smooth southern drawl I love to listen to, she said "Lawdy, look at her! Showing herself like that!" "Is she a model?" she asked as she looked through the pages of the 12x18 calendar. I explained no, just a beautiful lady just like Melissa. "Can you make me look like that?"
I laughingly told her, she was already that beautiful and we could create something just for her. Here is just a few of Melissa's images..